More energy for everything. Of what you want to do in Life: profesionally and personally .

We have one life. Everything we do and want to do happens there. The connection between professional and personal things is increasing.
Home-Office is a synonym for this. The strength for the next working day comes the night before. That’s how it is.
Work-Life Balance is divisive. A misleading approach. It’s about Life-Balance. Beacuse our energy storage does not differentiate either.
That’s why the idea behind Scayan is to get more energy for life through more personal health skills. Total and permanent.

From the company to the families and circles of friends.
As a company, you can make this offer to your team with Scayan.
Your responsibility to look after the health of people in the company becomes the starting point. And can thus be passed on to families and circles of friends.
Because good energy is inspiring and motivating. „I feel good“ becomes a topic of conversation.

The Happy Cells platform: The holistic offer of empowerment, intrinsic motivation and measurable impact. With access to personal health experts and digital services for every participant.

Humans are biochemistry. Scayan’s scientific basis is based on the current state of research. The underlying active principles of the energy metabolism are used.